
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2021

A Subject that I enjoy Studing.

Hi everybody, today I'm going to write about a subject that I enjoy studding. Philosophy of Sciences: A contemporary Debate was the name of this subject, I study this in my last semester in JGM campus, the professor was Carlos Perez Soto and he talk about the bases of scientific knowledge and how this knowledge doesn´t work without certain assumptions in addition to problems or criticism that different thinkers was made it in his time. In this subject, also the teacher says different freak facts about the matter, about the person who proposed the approach, about the history of Chile and the actuality. The class was interesting because was interesting listen and see the teacher and because all the classes he made cultural recommendation about books, musical pieces, ballet, paintings or related. I liked this subject because it made me question topics about science knowledge and its veracity, this made me investigate too much and I ended learning about different areas of know

An expert in my field that I admire.

  Hi everybody, today I'm going to write about an expert in my field that I admire. I don´t know many investigators or experts in my study field, but James Watson and Francis Crick call my attention with they discover. James Watson (left) is a biologist. He born in April 6 of 1923 in united states. He enters to the Indiana university in 1948. He realizes a doctorate in zoology in the same university within all the studies that he has. Francis Crick (right) was a Physics, molecular biologist and neuroscientist. He born on June, 8 of 1916 in Westorn Favvell, England. First study Physics in the university College London, he finishes this career in 1937. In 1947 he studies Biology in the university and do investigation in the Cambridge strangeways laboratory. He died in July 28 of 2008 because a colon cancer. The most important discovery of this person was the decodification of the DNA chain. This was done with the data provided by the investigation of Xray realized by Rosalind F

How can your mayor make the world a better place

  Hi everybody, today I’m going to write about why and how pharmacy (the major I´m studying) can make the world a better place. The pharmacy are highly related with heal of the organism since this is used when the organism have a condition. The pharmacy helps the health of the people thoughts drugs, and a pharmacist are involucrate in the investigation, design, production, storage, dispensation, delivery, and education of drugs. For the above, the Pharmacy will make the world a better place investigating new drugs for the diseases that currently have no cure, for example the diabetes. Also, a pharmacist will reduce the diseases caused by wrongly indicated dose or drug interaction through pharmaceutical care, in this the pharmacist teaches or indicates to the patient the rational use of medicaments. In this way, these diseases could be reduced. In the future I see me working in a hospital or in a community drugstore doing pharmaceutical care in it.