
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2021

A photo and his story.

Hi everybody, today I'm going to write about an important photography for me. I took this photo in February of 2019, it is a flowered plant (I don’t remember it name ejej) with a bumblebee. The flowers of the plant are smaller than a bumblebee. This photography is interesting for me by his context. I took it in the last family reunion that I see happy of the most of my cousins (I really enjoyed that day, especially by the conversations that we had) and this family reunion was the last of my grandmother goes because she died 4 months later. She likes this plant a lot and that year was when it flourished the most. For me, this photography means my grandmother and grandfather, because she likes this plant and he likes the insects, especially the bumblebees. I see this photo every so often for remember them, and for remember this amazing day.